Wednesday 8 September 2010

I have a house!

This may not seem much to some but to me!  I have somewhere to live and the basic furniture - bed table chairs, easy chair or two, cupboard etc..  It seems that there are four bedrooms so we have some confidence that someone else is being recruited in January.     That will be very good.  Also seem to have water and electricity and a garden and a veg patch and access to a football ground near the police station so, they tell me, I can jog with police men!  More anon when I get some pix - not a lot to photograph round here!-

Wednesday 1 September 2010

This is where I am going!

Its back to school day and I didn't!

Still learning with this blog business so apologies for having entered the July thing twice - I think!   Everyone has gone back to work today and I am three days away from going to Rwanda.  The summer has been incredibly busy with all the leaving the country admin and much more importantly with spending time with friends and family before I go.  I have been genuinely touched by the huge interest and amazing generosity of so many people.  Thank you all.    The packing is done apart from the last minute stuff and I can lift it!    The weight comes obviously from the motor cycle helmet but there are all the electricals, the meds, the first aid, the radio/torch/charger, the sleeping bag, and all the other stuff to take into account too. 

Monday 12 July 2010

Monday 12th July, 2010

Two weeks to go at work and just a few days to my leaving 'do'. Frantic clearing out of 35 years of teaching materials and paper and seemingly every polypocket ever manufactured. Also trying to get the blog to work.